On March 27th, the Export Compliance Office (“ECO”) informed you of upcoming enhancements to eSRA related to proposals undergoing Export Control review. These changes are now in production and will impact the way in which you receive and complete the export control questionnaire and acknowledge compliance with export compliance requirements. More specifically, the new changes within eSRA:
- Enables the PI to complete the Export Control Questionnaire using eSRA, and
- Acknowledge export compliance requirements within eSRA
Please see the link below (also available on eSRA website) that provides step by step instructions on how to navigate through the new functionality. We believe these changes to eSRA system functionality will improve efficiency and transparency, as well as mitigate an institutional risk.
If you have any questions related to eSRA functionality please contact eSRAHelp@lbl.gov. If you have any questions related to export controls please contact us at exportcontrol@lbl.gov.